regulatory accounting principles
- regulatory accounting principles
RAP , учет, амер. регулирующие принципы учета
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регулирующие принципы учета: принципы и процедуры бухгалтерского учета, введенные в 80-х гг. Советом федеральных банков жилищного кредита для помощи ссудно-сберегательным ассоциациям со слабой капитальной базой выполнить требования к капиталу; они отличаются от общепринятых принципов (см. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - GAAP) по ряду направлений: списание "goodwill" (см.) в течение более длительного времени, амортизация прибыли или убытка от актива в течение всего периода до истечения его срока, включение в капитал нереализованной прибыли от роста цены недвижимости, увеличение капитала путем продажи специальных сертификатов Совету (см. net worth certificates), включение в капитал субординированного долга и др.; часть этих привилегий носит временный характер;
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Регулирующие принципы бухгалтерского учета
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Смотреть что такое "regulatory accounting principles" в других словарях:
Regulatory Accounting Principles - RAP — A comprehensive set of rules and regulations for accounting that were introduced by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Regulatory accounting principles were created to assist low net worth savings and loan associations with meeting capital… … Investment dictionary
Regulatory Accounting Procedures — ( RAP) Accounting principles required by the FHLB that allow S&Ls to elect annually to defer gains and losses on the sale of assets and amortize these deferrals over the average life of the asset sold. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Regulatory surplus — The surplus as measured using regulatory accounting principles ( RAP) which may allow the non market valuation of assets or liabilities and which may be materially different from economic surplus. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
regulatory surplus — The surplus as measured using regulatory accounting principles ( RAP) , which may allow the nonmarket valuation of assets or liabilities ( liability) and which may be materially different from economic surplus. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Statutory Accounting Principles - SAP — A set of accounting regulations prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners for the preparation of an insuring firm s financial statements. Filings prepared using SAP are submitted to individual state regulatory bodies; SAP… … Investment dictionary
accounting — /euh kown ting/, n. 1. the theory and system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm; art of analyzing the financial position and operating results of a business house from a study of its sales, purchases, overhead, etc.… … Universalium
Regulatory economics — is the economics of regulation, in the sense of the application of law by government that is used for various purposes, such as centrally planning an economy, remedying market failure, enriching well connected firms, or benefiting politicians… … Wikipedia
Accounting Theory — Assumptions, methodologies and frameworks used in the study and application of financial principles. The study of accounting theory involves a review of both the historical foundations of accounting practices, as well as the way in which… … Investment dictionary
Mark-to-market accounting — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts … Wikipedia
Chinese accounting standards — are the accounting rules used in Chinese state owned corporations in mainland China. They are currently being phased out in favour of generally accepted accounting principles or International Accounting Standards. As of February 2010, the Chinese … Wikipedia
Management accounting — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts … Wikipedia